The content of our Greenpaper and website ( outline the vision and planned activities of Treeco and its partners (collectively referred to as “
Treeco”). This includes the development and use of the 3CO blockchain-based utility token (“
3CO Token”) within the Treeco network ecosystem (
The content of our Greenpaper and website should not be interpreted as an absolute representation or guarantee regarding the future development of Treeco’s business, the 3CO Token, or its functional value within the Network. The plans outlined represent Treeco's current intentions, which are subject to change based on strategic evaluations. Furthermore, achieving these plans depends on numerous external factors beyond Treeco's control, including market dynamics, regulatory landscape, and evolving trends in both the environmental sector and the digital currency space.
Any forward-looking statements reflect Treeco's projections based on current data and analyses, which are inherently subject to risks, uncertainties, and the possibility of incorrect assumptions. Treeco's strategic direction and actual outcomes may ultimately differ from these initial projections.
The Greenpaper and website content do not constitute a binding offer or an invitation to acquire 3CO Tokens. They are not investment solicitations and should not be interpreted as offering investment opportunities. The 3CO Tokens are intended for use within the Treeco ecosystem to facilitate engagement, participation in governance, and access to services and features.
Potential contributors are advised to thoroughly review our Greenpaper and website content as well as familiarize themselves with all the risks associated with digital tokens and blockchain-based systems. Prospective participants should conduct their own due diligence and, where appropriate, consult legal, tax, and financial experts before engaging with Treeco's initiatives.
By accessing the Greenpaper and website content, the reader acknowledges and agrees to the stipulations mentioned above, understanding that Treeco bears no liability for any future developments regarding its business operations, the 3CO Tokens, or the Network.
Last update: August 2024.